Browse Library
Significant Reforms to State Retirement Systems
National Association of State Retirement Administrators, 2016
The Political Economy of Underfunded Municipal Pension Plans
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2018
Will Pensions and OPEBs Break State and Local Budgets?
Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, 2016
State Fiscal Constitutions and the Law and Politics of Public Pensions
Illinois Law Review, 2015
Truth and Integrity in State Budgeting: Lessons from Three States
The Volcker Alliance, 2015
Active and Retired Public Employees’ Health Insurance: Potential Data Sources
Journal of Health Economics, 2014
Compensating Wage Differentials and the Impact of Health Insurance in the Public Sector on Wages and Hours
Journal of Health Economics, 2014
The Effects of Retiree Health Insurance Plan Characteristics on Retirees’ Choice and Employers’ Costs
Journal of Health Economics, 2014
The Fiscal Stress Arising from State and Local Retiree Health Obligations
Journal of Health Economics, 2014